Blue Cat Farm

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Two of our boys Bonjovi at 4 and the Doctor at 2.5  years old are ready for jewelry.

In 2011, consider a piece of jewelry to show your love, delight your friends, amuse and beguile uninitiated cat lovers.....a mature Chartreux will enjoy a necklace on special occasions. It is all about love!


Our very virile sire Bonjovi enjoys  a contemporary, edgy, cross perfect for lounging around the house or preparing for battle.



TICA SGC Chanson Bleu Dr. Strangelove likes Native American Jewelry and chose the bear, a symbol of 'the helper' for his daily wear.


California girl Elle Mademoiselle Bleu loves her Fleur de Lis necklace.

Chatton Teal'c the senior fellow at Chanson Bleu is the North star of the the cattery. He is sporting a stainless compass necklace.